Stress and Anxiety from struggling to manage daily life, leading to emotional and physical fatigue.
Lack of Balance due to difficulty juggling work, personal life, and self-care.
Emotional Blocks that can make you feel stuck due to unresolved emotional history.
Lack of Vitality caused by chronic health challenges.
Personal Growth Stagnation and unsure how to breakthrough.
Lack of Focus & Concentration due to monkey mind and ADD/HD type presentation.
Do you Experience

Heal Deeply &
Benefits of Working with Madison
Personal Growth and Fulfillment: Experiencing continuous personal development and a strong sense of purpose and achievement.
Effective Habits: Developing positive habits and behaviors that support your goals.
Overcome Limitations: Understanding and shifting limiting beliefs and negative patterns.
Boost In Creativity: Reconnecting and calibrating to your purpose for living.
Personalized Approach: individualized attention and guidance with the following topics:
Spiritual Health
Relaxation Techniques
Healthy Living
Living A Balanced Life
Family Life
Functional Nutrition
Personal Growth & Development
Eastern Philosophy and Modern Psychology foster a deep connection with your Core Essence

U noun /yoo/
"used to refer to an individual, vibrating uniquely within the universe and resonating with all other beings in the glorious symphony of life." Madison MacEocain

Qi noun /chē/
'...an essential energy, or vital life force, that binds together all things in the universe and which resides as an element of the breath in all living things...' Lao Tzu

There are four types of qi within the human body:
Parental Qi: Inherited from our parents at conception and stored in the kidneys.
Pectoral Qi: Produced by breathing and stored in the chest area.
Nutritional Qi: Derived from eating foods and is responsible for the circulating nutrition throughout the body.
Defensive Qi: Protects the body from illnesses. Also derived from eating foods, serving a different purpose.
Without Qi, there is no life.
When qi is balanced, the mind, body, and spirit are in alignment. There is a deep connection to oneself, to others, and to the world at large. Balancing your qi is not a destination, it is a guiding principle for living a long, healthy life.
Maintaining Balance of Qi